April 13, 2013 Catfish Festival
I knew that the catfish festival was always a big turn out and I really had been praying that we would get to sale our t-shirts there but that didn't work out and it was not God's plan. But his plan was for us to be there. I knew that we were suppose to be there and we were suppose to stand up for what we were doing to let all see. And the ones that were kind enough to walk forward got to heard. Jeremy was going to have to work and I always feel more insecure when he is not standing beside me. Well of course he did not end up working and boy was I happy. We got up bright and early ate breakfast, got dressed in our matching "Bella shirts" and headed out. For the ones that have never "found for a cause" I would call it, you really have to build your self up, pump up Jesus in your mind and heart. See you have no idea how people will act towards you, if you will be ran off, or if you will leave the day feeling successful or beaten down. I know that we are holding a sign that says " Help Us Help Her" with a picture of a beautiful little baby but in our hearts we feel like we are hold a sign up that says " Will You Follow Him " with a picture of Jesus dying on the cross. Its that kind of awkwardness. People all look at you, read your sign and judge you. God is good and faithful to his obedient children. We were blessed with smiles and people that came to share stories and encourage us and if that wasn't enough we received $172 dollars in donations! Praise God! Thank you all for that!
I have to share a very special part of our day. I saw this one lady that was waiting at the gate to see if she would be allowed to bring her dog into the festival. I knew that she looked like someone I knew and in that moment I knew that was the reason that God have pulled me to come. I do not even think I turned to Jeremy to tell him why I was walking away. Let me just share first of all , the woman I am making my way to was an old past client of mine. She was a minster and had started an orphanage in Africa, and I had not seen her since 2009.
I remember spending time with her each week sharing my heart of how a longed for so much more but didn't know how to get it? Wondering how in this world would God change my life and circumstance. She was a great listener and encourage r and always told me that it was in God's timing. I stood in front of her re introducing myself and even though she knew I looked so different she knew who I was. I told her is was great to see her there and then I pointed over to Jeremy holding that huge sign on the corner and so proudly said "LOOK! That's our daughter and we are adopting from China!" I was so proud to tell her LOOK! GOD CHANGED MY LIFE AND I AM FINELY DOING IT! I wanted to encourage her that God still answers prayers and hears hearts cries. She was shocked a little but seemed very excited and I knew she remembered my heart and our talks from long ago. She was very interested in how this had all came about and walked over to talk to us. I was trying to fill in so very must and share how God had so amazingly arranged all of this, even back to having my stomach rupture back in 2009 while was day one of this journey to my new life. She listened amazed of God 's glory and seemed to hang onto every word I said as it seemed tears whaling up in her eyes at times. I could feel a third join our conversation very quickly and my story telling began to flow smoother and well put together. Oh I know that is when the comforter shows up.... the Holy Spirit. It truly made my day getting to share with her and as I did I felt as though I had came to a complete circle in someway. I was reminded of how big and might the God is that I serve and the memories that came flooding back were to show me that this was planned to come in to fruition many many years ago. Fruition meaning "realization of something desired, accomplishment or condition of bearing fruit."
So my full circle feeling is my accomplishment and praise the Lord I hope my daughter we be my fruit beard from the my labor this past five years. Amen!
So before we ended our all to short visit she asked two questions, What did we need to go? and Had anyone offered to pay for our plane tickets there? I was not shocked by this two questions coming from her because she is a very straight to the point NO BULL wonderful lady. I answered her with total truth and told her that was why we were there on the street and how much we had to have before we could leave. She asked for my phone number because she wanted to help us go, ended up she didn't even live in the state of Louisiana anymore. That much more reason that meeting her this day was an appointment set by God. I do not know if God will led her to contact me to help get us to our goal or if it was the blessing to me just for him to become even bigger and more real than he was yesterday
I am sure of THIS he has a plan for lives and he sees them through and brings fruition for his glory!
We are blessed so much more than we allow!
(Thank you Ms P. for being used in my life! I love you!)